Simple blog with Nuxt

20th September, 2017 - 4 min. read - in Tutorials - Go to Index

Following my enthusiasm about Nuxt.js and Vue.js, here another step.

In this post, I’m going to outline the additional steps to build a bare bones blog using Nuxt.

This is a very basic blog with an index template, a sidebar and a post template using a json array as the data source.

The notable differences from the previous tutorial are essentially two.

Using external data

The index page is a template that will be populated by means of an array of objects that comes from an ajax request, and this is the Nuxt way to do that:

    <div class="grid">
        <li v-for="article in articles" class="item">
          <nuxt-link :to="'/article/' +">{{ article.title }}</nuxt-link>

import axios from 'axios'

export default {
  title: 'Hey there',
  async asyncData () {
    const {data} = await axios.get('')
    return {articles:data}


You can see the template will iterate over the article array to build the titles list.

Dynamic page

So far, every page we want to publish needs to be created as .vue component, manually, in pages folder. In our case, we need to deal with an array of objects where each object should become an article. Nuxt provides a way to setup a .vue component that acts as a master to generate multiple pages out of it.

Inside the pages folder, let’s create another folder named article (or choose your own) and within it put a .vue component named _id.vue with the following source:

    <nuxt-link :to="'/'">Back</nuxt-link>

import axios from 'axios'

export default {
  validate ({ params }) {
    return !isNaN(
  async asyncData({params, error}){
    const {data} = await axios.get(`${}`)
    return data


Test the shit

Using the usual npm run dev command, you can check in-browser your progress.

To generate the pages we need to run the command npm run generate. Before to run it we need to add the last detail in order to make it work properly. Nuxt needs a way to know which are the dynamic pages in order to create static files for them, also providing a way to define the filename for each.

In the nuxt.config.js file there’s the generate property that serves for that purpose:

generate: {
    routes () {
      return axios.get('')
        .then((res) => {
          var rts = []
 => {
            rts.push('/article/' +
          return rts

In this case, the id will be used for the filename but you are free to implement different logic.

You can check the source on Github and navigate the prototype as well.


Keep in mind that this is a SPA (Single Page Application) with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) capability. Isn’t that awesome?

Furthermore, this is a POC (Proof Of Concept) just to learn Nuxt.js.
There is also a Nuxt blog module for those who want something more refined.


Spotted a typo or (likely) a grammar error? Send a pull request.