Webpack based starterkit for quick web explorations

26th October, 2019 - 5 min. read - in Tutorials - Go to Index

My current and favorite stack in web development is based on Vue.js with its CLI.

Nevertheless, for simple coding explorations I find it a little overkill. Furthermore, I like to test other possibilities in the field from time to time.

For that reason, I’ve explored Webpack a bit and this post tries to outline the configuration I’ve set up for my needs.

If you want to benefit from one of more of the following features:

You’re welcomed to test my configuration and continue to read as well :)

Some code snippets for a fast start

ES6 modules

I want to write encapsulated and reusable js modules without worry about global scope pollution and nested dependencies.

Create a .js file in src folder, src/mod1.js with

export default {
  some: 'object'

Create a secondary .js file in src folder, src/mod2.js with

export default {
  some: 'other object'

Load them from within index.js:

import mod1 from './mod1.js'
import mod2 from './mod2.js'

console.log(mod1, mod2)

ES6 async/await

I want to use the async/await sugar syntax to escape the callback hell and exploit the cleaner procedural syntax as well.

Create src/modasync.js file with:

export default () => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000)

Load it from within index.js:

import mod from './modasync.js'

const init = async () => {
  const v = await mod()


Since there is not async in the root scope, we need to wrap the main code in an async function.

ES6 async/await with fetch

I want to do the same when fetching external API. Here an example with fetch, put this code in the index.js:

const url = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1'

const init = async () => {
  const response = await fetch(url)
  const json = await response.json()


Another example with multiple fetches in sequence, a nice way to avoid the callback hell:

const base = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/'
const todos = 'todos'
const posts = 'posts'
const photos = 'photos'

const init = async () => {
  const promises = [fetch(base + todos), fetch(base + posts), fetch(base + photos)]

  const all = await Promise.all(promises)

  all.forEach(async response => {
    const json = await response.json()



I want to inject my CSS files into the build.

You can both include a CSS file from within the template.html and within js files as well.

From the template, assuming the external file is in /assets/external.css:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/external.css" />

From the js file, the CSS needs to be within src folder such as src/style.css and put this in the index.js:

import './style.css'

External CSV/JSON files

I want to load external files at runtime, such as a CSV or a JSON file. In this snippet, let’s assume the file is placed in /assets/data.csv, then use this code:

;(async () => {
  const response = await fetch('assets/data.csv')
  const data = await response.text()

There’s also the possibility to include (inject) external data files in the build:

import data1 from './data2.csv'
import data2 from './data.json'

console.log(data1, data2)

In this situation you need to put those files within the src folder.


I want to handle images properly using the Webpack way.

Assuming the images placed within src/images folder:

import img from './images/1.png'

const myImg = new Image()
myImg.src = img


The above code works with the following file format:


Go to this repository to learn more about this configuration. You can clone it to start exploring quickly.

This is meant to be a quick guide to use fast a common webpack configuration. It might be updated eventually the moment I’ll need further features.

Like what? I’d like to explore more about using HTML templates and post-processor, mainly for CSS. So stay tuned!

Spotted a typo or (likely) a grammar error? Send a pull request.