PRESENTA internal text editor was implemented using Quill.js library.
At that time, it was, by far, the most interesting option, with a generic internal document format, a plugin system and a good documentation.
PRESENTA text editor is not based on Quill.js anymore. Right now, it uses the wonderful TipTap, based on ProseMirror.
The reasons why I’ve migrated to another option were several, here the most importants:
- Quill.js customization is far from perfection, to say the least.
- Overriding some internal style defaults is not clean and easy, leading to a lot of hacks.
- The complete lack of support for the shift-enter, the soft new line (without alternatives, even hackish) brought me to the hard decision.
Of course, I don’t want to blame Quill.js. It’s just a matter of fact. I’ve discovered a better option and I decide to spend time for the migration.
I couldn’t be happier of the choice!
I’ve migrated the component in half day including all the custom features I had to implement as TipTap plugins, not to mentioning the way more better experience of the editor since I’m able to customize, so far, everything.
If you need a text editor for Vue.js, truly fully costomizable, I can stress enough: TipTap!
What I’ve learned
The experience with Quill.js, of course, made me learn tons of stuff, Quill-related.
I want to say goodbye to Quill.js leaving here a couple of tips that might be useful to someone else.
First, here a very minimal Vue.js component that initialize Quill.js (with default setting) and handles the common interaction between Quill and Vue:
Then, if you need to introduce a custom tag in Quill.js, here the sample code, found it in tons of online searches.
Here the code to allow the mark
HTML tag:
const Inline = Quill.import('blots/inline')
class MarkBlot extends Inline { }
MarkBlot.blotName = 'mark'
MarkBlot.tagName = 'mark'
Remember to make it available in the Quill.js options object:
var options = {
formats: [
And here the way to add a custom icon to the newly introduced tag:
var icons = Quill.import('ui/icons')
icons.mark = '<svg viewBox="0 0 8.3 8.1"><path d="..."/></svg>'
That’s all, not much I know.
Spotted a typo or (likely) a grammar error? Send a pull request.